
This video gives a good introduction to the workflow. (The screen layout changed a little since the video was made.) 

Develop and run a Python app

Setup Python

To install Python go to https://www.python.org/ and specify to include Python in the "environment variables".

If you have Python installed make sure the path to Python is setup in the Windows environment variables: Start menu | Environment Variables | button Environment Variables | System Variables | Path | Edit | New | enter path such as "C:\Program Files\Python311\" depending on it's location and version | OK | OK | OK.

Modify an existing code base in any language

Resolve an error

Important Tips


As soon as you get your app working, use File | Version | Snapshot to create a copy of the working program. If you skip this step and make additional changes that lead to errors you will not easily be able to go back to the working version. If you are using Click-Coder with an IDE you can use GIT to save your code. 


Don't be surprised if you have to make multiple attempts to solve a problem or get a feature right. Often goals are met on one or two tries but sometimes it can take up to 10 or even more. Help the LLM by improving prompts, giving your tips and ideas, etc. LLMs are getting better and better but they still have a way to go.

More tips

Click here.

Develop a spreadsheet macro