Click-Coder Pricing Plans


Click-Coder FAQs

How is Click-Coder installed?

Installing the app is easy - just download and run as usual.  Also please see Documentation.

Where can I get support?

Contact us directly or join our Discord community.

What inspired Click-Coder development?

We love AI tools and became early users of the new coding tools but experienced a variety of frustrations with the interfaces. So we set out to design an app that is more user friendly and even more productive.  We think you will agree. 

Who is behind Click-Coder?

The project is directed by Jim Lewis who has decades of experience with large scale software management.

How do you protect my privacy? 

We value your privacy and chose an approach that keeps your code isolated from us as the application vendor - please see our privacy policy for details.

Where do I get API keys?

From Openai, Anthropic or Groq - it just takes a few minutes. 

What happens when a plan limit is reached?

We will remind you nicely and you can keep working at a slightly lower pace. 

Who owns the AI generated code?

You have full rights to your code.

What do API transactions typically cost?

It depends on context size and the model used, but generally we found it to be under two cents per transaction and costs are coming down even further.

Why should I pay for an AI coding tool?

AI coding tools are like having an assistant programmer that you pay less than $1/hr! Where on earth can you get such economy? As an independent programmer you will make up the cost 10 or 100 times over with more satisfied clients, faster delivery, more free time for yourself, easier debugging, etc. As a business you can move faster and implement more of the features you want in less time, making you more competitive.

Have more questions?

Join us on Discord or Contact us.